Next meeting on 4th March

For prayer/help/support get in touch

Email: or Office: 0115 939 9958
Open 10am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday

At other times please leave a message or send an Email.

Next meeting on 19th February for a quiz, from 2 to 4pm

st helen'


ST luke'


The Church @ montrose court

Welcome to Stapleford Parish Church

We are 3 churches in one:

-    St Helen’s

near the centre of Stapleford is our historic but very active parish church, with the doors open wide to welcome all generations into our growing Christian family

-    St Luke’s

is on the edge of Stapleford and is a caring, warm and friendly fellowship with informal services, lots of cake and a safe place to explore life and faith

-    The Church@Montrose Court

is our café-style community, open Sundays and during the week, offering a very easy and natural entry into the Christian faith

Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst our care is an integral part of our church life. if you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact Angela Witten who is our safeguarding coordinator on 0115 939 9958.
In the Diocese: email or contact the safeguarding team on 01636 817200
Out of hours for children and adults:
Nottinghamshire 0300 456 456